If some downloads are coming through without problems while others get stuck in the queue, there’s a good chance some of the mods you’ve downloaded previously were corrupted. Below we’ve listed several troubleshooting steps that successfully resolved the issue among Steam users. If you’re currently struggling with your Steam Workshop downloads, don’t fret. Corrupted Steam installation: Problems may have occurred while downloading and installing Steam on your device.

The Account is enlisted to Steam Beta: Data gathered suggests a high correlation between Workshop download errors and the use of Steam Beta programs.Different Download regions: Your files may not download successfully if the download region in the file doesn’t match or is too far away from your true physical location.This can lead to errors and increased download times.

Whether you’re running on Windows 7, 10, or 11, your downloads can freeze without notice.

What’s even more compounding is that this problem is not isolated to one or two operating systems. In some cases, the problem only appears with a couple of mods, but some users have also reported being unable to download anything at all. There have been multiple reports of downloads abruptly terminating mid-way through completion or not launching at all. Sadly, however, the Workshop’s operations haven’t been smooth as of late.